How We Helped Flour Bloom Blossom

Embarking on a design project is not just about creating beautiful spaces; it's about forging connections that weave into the fabric of our lives. Each invitation to design is an opportunity to build relationships beyond the initial project, adding a richer layer to our everyday experiences. This is the heart of my work – finding purpose and meaning in the stories we create.

I recently had the pleasure of celebrating another milestone with a remarkable WDP client, Bree Licata, the visionary behind Flour Bloom. Her creative energy and unwavering commitment are truly inspiring, and being part of bringing her dream to life has been an honor. The recent soft launch of her shop marked a new chapter, integrating Flour Bloom into my story, WDP's narrative, and Bree's unique journey.

Along this creative journey, we've been fortunate to collaborate with outstanding partners, like the dedicated team with Owen Gabbert. Despite the inevitable challenges in the design world, the positive and uplifting relationships we build in business make every hurdle worthwhile.

What's a recent project or collaboration that brought joy to your professional or personal journey? Cheers to the power of connection and creating narratives that endure.


A Journey To Reignite My Creative Spark


The Evolution of Your Space