Our Partner Program

Your On-Call Tastemakers

The aesthetic evolution of your office shouldn’t end the day that you move in. Companies develop and mature, their stories change, and the spaces they occupy should reflect that journey. Plus, physical wear and tear is a reality in any workplace. That’s why we’re here long after the sawdust has settled to help oversee your investment and ensure that your space lasts longer.

Join the WDP Partner Program to ensure your space grows along with your business.

info@weedmandesignpartners.com | (503) 517-9709

  • Preventative Care

    All workplaces require regular aesthetic maintenance. Keeping your space in a pristine state will extend the life of your investment — and make your everyday experiences more enjoyable.

  • Evolution

    Your space should adjust to the needs of the business. We’re here to identify opportunities and troubleshoot challenges with the way your team is adapting and growing in your office.

  • Layer

    Whether it’s assisting on a special company initiative or simply adding a seasonal color, we want to help weave your firm’s cultural values into every aspect of the office experience.